I'm 28 weeks as of Tuesday! It's hard to believe I'm that far along. Some days can be long and others seem to fly by! I've still been feeling good. I had a little heartburn this past week but I tried to cut out some spicy foods and anything carbonated (I was drinking Sprinte and Ginger Ale since they were caffeine free). That's really seemed to help and I haven't had a problem in the past 5 days! Our next appointment is on Monday and we will get to have our 4-D ultrasound! We are super excited and we will post pictures of our little girl once we get them! I'm really excited to have another ultrasound because the last one we had was when we found out she was a girl! I have been trying to gain weight and eating everything I want to- so we'll see those results when I go back on Monday and see how much weight I've gained on the doctor's scale! I feel like ours at home isn't as accurate because it always says I'm heavier than when I get to the doctor. I do know that our little girl is a mover! She likes to roll, kick and punch and she has the hiccups often.
I'm in the third trimester- the home stretch! I'm very ready to meet her... although there are still MANY things I have to do to get ready for her. We did get a crib though! Hopefully Marshall can put that together sometime this weekend with the help of his dad and Renae who are coming to visit and help with yardwork and see our house! We are very excited and blessed to have so many people who want to come to SC to visit us! Thanks for your prayers- hopefully everything will continue to go well.