For us, Christmas is a very special time of year not only because it's the time we celebrate the birth of Jesus, but also because it was this time last year that all of the medical craziness started. It is so hard for me to believe that it was only a year ago on Christmas night (technically the next morning) that Marshall had his seizure. It really makes me especially thankful this year that we have persevered through everything that happened this past year. This has been a rough and trying year, but as I wrote in my journal to close out all of the events that happened... (when we were about to leave our last appointment Dec. 15) "I started to cry after he (Dr. Germanwala) left the room and while we were waiting to check out. They were happy tears of disbelief of all we've been through this past year and that through having each other and relying and trusting God's blessing and strength we've made it. We've not only made it, we're made it and come out more in love and deeper in love than when we started. I married an amazingly strong man that I cannot even put into words how much I love and cherish him. I am the luckiest woman in the world". Just to share a little piece of my journal :) Anyway, enough of that... here are some events of our Christmas Eve and Day....
My nephew and neice Logan and Hailey
Me, Mom and Jessica on Christmas Day....
Katie in her Snuggie that she got for Christmas... yes I said Snuggie.
Me opening one of my presents at Mark & Renae's... a sweater from American Eagle- so cute!
Me and my cousins Richard and Celeste... Richard can never keep his eyes open in pictures... its one of our family jokes. I just let this one go and considered it a "good picture"
Of course I have to have atleast one of me and Marshall...