Christy had decided that we needed to make going to The Olive Garden around New Year's an annual thing... which is fine with me because I LOVE The Olive Garden! I offered to have everyone come back to our house to hang out afterwards. We just got the Wii Fit for Christmas from my mom and we have loved playing the games and laughing at ourselves, so what better to watch people make fools of themselves trying to maneuver on the little Wii board?! Here are some pictures to capture a tiny but of the hillariousness that was that night...
Brooke trying to go through the obstacle course....

Kevin in Warrior Yoga Pose showing his great balance to align his pelvis.... hahahahaha
Chad flapping his wings to help the bird get to it's destination....
Our little "Player A" who we named DeQuan... it fit him, I think. GOO DEQUAN!!!!
Photography Experimenting
Marshall and I went to the new park that is in Wake Forest to experiment with our new camera and to see what the park looked like. It was a beautiful park, but unfortunately it was about 32 degrees with the wind blowing like crazy! We did get some good shots and learned a little more about our camera. We stayed out for as long as we could stand it and our hands were burning and numb from being so cold. Here are some of the pictures we took.
I'm sad we missed the Wii fun... but it was great to see you guys even if just for dinner! I'm very impressed with the photography skills!!! :) Hope your first day back went well!
I think Olive Garden for new years sounds awesome we'll be there next year!
isn't the camera great? love the pictures!
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